EVENT: Nov 6, Jared Bramblett – “Observing Irma” Art Happy Hour

 In Blog, Events

Join us for an artist happy hour featuring the works of local photographer, Jared Bramblett. This event is free and  open to all.

Date: Monday, Nov 6, 2017
Time: 6 – 8pm
Location: Local Works – 1630 Meeting Street Rd, Charleston, SC 29405 – Second Building

On September 11th 2017, Hurricane Irma made land fall over 300 miles away from Charleston, but she made a significant impact on the region. Photographer Jared Bramblett spent the day capturing and  documenting Irma’s impacts on the Charleston Peninsula.

“I’m not sure I can adequately convey the experience of the day other than describing it as surreal,” says Bramblett.

Join us for a an evening in exploration and  observation of that experience. Photography will be available for purchase along with lite bites and  refreshments for your enjoyment. This event is free and  open to all.

“Charleston is vulnerable – and  becoming more vulnerable – to the impacts of tidal flooding. We experienced, according to NOAA, 50 days of tidal flooding in 2016, which broke 2015’s record of 38 days. Historically, we’ve seen the third (Irma), fourth (Matthew), and  sixth (10/27/15) highest tide observations on record over the past three years. It’s time we have difficult conversations about how we move forward and  address these issues. We need to learn how to live with water rather than fight it. We need to think about where we build – and  where we rebuild. Most importantly, we need to engage and  keep the conversation going.” – Jared Bramblett Photography

“Nature will do what it pleases… and  will sacrifice what it will on its altar, when it will, as it sees fit.” – Erik Heywood, Devil’s Tower, Compost Mag Nr. 1

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